Communication & Interaction With Next Gen

© 2025 prasadpawar. All rights reserved
Ajanta is like a mirror, you stand in present era and look into the past. When you fit into yourself, you find the history of India 2000 years before, philosophy of India, art and cultural heritage, social life, traditions, rich culture, and art of two thousand years before. Still today this art is communicating with us. These paintings communicate to us.
Why We Must Save Ajanta Paintings?

© 2025 prasadpawar. All rights reserved
“Unity in diversity” of Indian culture should be understood by the next generations. Ajanta is witness of 2000 years old culture. Reflections of >>> Kings >>>> Animals >>> people >>> social life >>>> folk culture >>>> weapons >>>> architecture >>>> interior decoration >>>> fashion >>>> hairstyle >>>> jewellery >>>> love for animals >>>> grandiosity >>>> richness >>>> nature >>>> leaves >>>> flowers >>>> woven & printed tapestry of cloth >>>> silk cloth >>>> prayers & rituals >>>> symbols >>>> model >>>> dreams >>>> larger than life…….
Art Works Study - Basalt Stone, Tools, Carving, Strokes & Chisels Marks
" Glorious Ajanta " Exhibition - Schools And Colleges

The movement of Glorious Ajantha Exhibition through schools and colleges is being organized and students are made aware of this art and culture of Ancient India. It is also been explained during exhibition about the art paintings and sculpture to a very micro level this study circles and researchers on Ajanta are invited for delivering lectures on the subject and student are also made aware of the Ancient rich languages of Indian Culture like Sanskrit and Pali, the script of these languages are also been demonstrated, relevant information films are also been shown to the students, the concept of the art creation thought process of creation and actual production this process of art he is being detailed to the student through the colors, lines, Shades, shapes it is being invoked within the students regarding the art and sculpture and art has been pushed forward to the next generations to encourage students. The kit of material is being distributed during exhibition. Students are encouraged for their art which invoke the intuition of art within students and interest to learn through this mission. We fore see that the students will lead to some of them may go for archaeological researchers, cultural professors, preservatives expert, in history expert of music, colour experts, language experts, script experts, fashion designers, jewelry designers, interior designer, product designers, structural designers, architectures, scientist from different subjects and so on….
" Glorious Ajanta " National Exhibition
Indira Gandhi National Center For The Arts, Delhi, India
" Glorious Ajanta " National Exhibition
Indira Gandhi National Center For The Arts, Delhi, India

Glorious Ajanta (1st – 30th january 2018)
Organised by Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts New Delhi
Venue Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts 11, Mansingh Road, New Delhi, Delhi 110011
Inauguration by Hon. Dr. Maheshji Sharma Minister of Tourism and Culture, Government of India

These paintings communicate to us. These International famous paintings of Ajanta are printed on Canvas in the size of 3 feet to 16 feet and it is of very micro-level predictions. There is also a biggest painting of 72 feet available and being executed wherever possible during exhibition. You are very close to these paintings and all this micro level observations are possible in good elimination those who have not seen Ajanta Caves for them there is a scale model available in the exhibition. There is a Bioscope also available for 3D virtual images there are guides available for manning these paintings, information films are also distributed and sense enormous lectures are organized from the people who studied Ajanta and did research on this for the enthusiast visitors. Even the sketch pencils, papers and other materials are provided to the visitors and encourage them. The history of Ajanta, geographical locations, the world heritage sculpture, architecture, art, Jatak Tales and from the angle of literature the social administration of 2000 years before all this subjects are being studied through this exhibition.
" Glorious Ajanta " International Exhibition Hangzhou, China
Lingyin Temple is a Buddhist temple of the Chan sect located north-west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. The temple’s name is commonly literally translated as Temple of the Soul’s Retreat. It is one of the largest and wealthiest Buddhist temples in China, and contains numerous pagodas and Buddhist grottoes. The monastery is the largest of several temples in the Wulin Mountains, which also features many grottos and religious rock carvings, the most famous of which is the Feilai Feng ……
Experience The "Glourious Ajanta " Exhibition
“Glourious Ajanta ” Exhibition.
15 April 2012, Sadhana Art Gallery Nashik
“Glourious Ajanta ” Exhibition.
28 May 2012, Mumbai Karmaveer Dadasaheb Gaikwad Sanskrutik Kendra, Andheri
“Glourious Ajanta ” Exhibition.
18 August 2012, Sinnar
“Glourious Ajanta ” Exhibition.
15 August 2013, Pune Bal Gandharva Art Gallery